Today I am enjoying my Saturday more than I have in a very long time. As Ben explained, I've been working a lot, and last week I did one boss a favor and went into the office for a few days, which stinks. But today, the kids slept in past 8, which is amazing. They must love me. And, I've been in a cleaning frenzy. I love cleaning, have I ever mentioned that? I mean, I don't truly love the actual act of scrubbing a toilet or mopping floors, but I love the results.
Speaking of our house, I've been meaning to blog about this story. Last week, someone called and wanted to look at the house right then. I hate when we don't get any notice, but on top of that we had just gotten back from being gone for a week.
In Bountiful, and maybe all over Utah, we have these bugs called
box elder bugs. When we got back from California, there were TONS in the house. Totally grossed me out. I really mean there were a ton. I probably had gotten 100 of them before these people called to come look. But there were probably still 100 left. I was embarrassed, but when they came they actually said its okay, they are all over this city, its not just you.
So we left with the kids. A few minutes later we get a call from our realtor. He said the people looking at our house just wanted to let us know there was a dead deer in the backyard. Yes, a dead deer. At this point, do you think there is any chance this couple is going to buy our house? I doubt it. Anyway, some baby deer died in the woody part of our back yard. Who knows how, it didn't look like it got in a fight or anything. (Kevin, did you shoot the baby deer?)
Well, no offers from that couple yet, but they did stay at the house for like an hour, despite the bugs and deer. And I'm still getting those bugs. I probably flush about 25 a day down the toilet, maybe more. If the babies see one on the floor they pick it up. Who knows, they might have eaten some already.
Here is what I am planning to do with the rest of my Saturday:
- Family trip to the new Wal-Mart
- Make chicken taquitos for dinner
- Start to prepare tomorrow's dinner, the Yrungaray family is coming over
- Watch some of my hours and hours of Tivo'd shows after the kids go to bed