My Mom came with us and Adam and Isabel stayed home with Dad. It is a small amusement park, just the right size for Anna. She had lots of fun and it was a perfect 80 degree day. I took our camera, but it turns out it was out of batteries. So here is one picture from my phone. Better than nothing, right?

Thanks for the tickets Greg, and we still get to go again! Oh, and I just realized it was a Greg and Carilly Christmas present day. We went out to dinner that night to Chili's with our gift certificate! It was great. Thanks guys!
I found this one while I was going through the pictures on my phone. I love it when Arlo and Adam kiss on the lips.

lol. I really want to take the kids to castle park. But not for them. I want to see if my picture from 1986 is still hanging inside the carasel. :) That is my claim to fame.
I hate when I remember to actually take the camera and I get there and the card is full or the battery is dead. And my phone pictures do not come out this nice.
does adam like to be kissed by arlo?
Yep, he loves it! If Arlo is in his dog house Adam will stick his head in there to get a kiss. I've tried to discourage kissing on the mouth (GROSS) but he doesn't listen.
I was reading this post and I totally thought of you guys. lol. I thought I remembered Ben posting one just like it a while ago. Thought you might get a good laugh.
I am sure that Arlo loves to give kisses just as much as Adam loves to get them!
aww she loves the song too! next time, i'll play a clip on my phone. i love that song too!!
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